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New Moon - Setting Intentions ritual

The new moon is an opportunity to reflect and think of what type of energy you would like to invite into your life. I think this time of the month as a time to connect with myself, to look inside and feel, it is like to stock take my thought and actions. This gives me the chance to see if I'm directing my prana in those things I want to attract and surrender myself with. You will need to make time and space, I like to think it is a date with me, where I'm the guest and the host. It is a sacred space where I allow me just be, where I need just little things to set up the mood but I encourage you to modify my suggestions as these items might not resonate with you.


A notebook and a pen. I used always the same notebook to set my intentions, this way I can keep track and see how this become reality and some just change.

A candle. The light of a candle helps me to set the mood and makes me feel a bit romantic.

Incense and lighter. If incenses are not your thing is totally fine. I love burning my favourite incense stick Nag Champa, it smell inspires me and takes me into a place where I feel at home.

I sit in front of my altar, there is where I keep objects that bring good memories and remind me of moments where I felt aligned. I have leaves and shells that I have found in nature. I also have there a small collection of dimples that my loved ones have gifted me. I have a figure of Ganesh and Krishna. You can create your little altar with your crystals and items that have significance for you. That sacred space has to be cleaned regularly and adorn with objects that are meaningful to you.

Before I start writing down the intentions I sit for a 10-15 minutes meditation, this time helps me to relax, find my breath and set my mind into the ritual. To begin I pray wishing that all my intentions are for the good of everyone involved, I ask for clarity and I thank for being able to connect with the Universe and its eternal wisdom.

Now start writing…

I try my best to write from my heart, I try to connect to my feelings and emotions. I write in present tense, focusing on how I envision myself feeling in the next days, weeks and months. If I really wish for something to happen I describe it by how I feel imagining that it is part of my already.

I try being specific but I not restricting the possibilities by focusing so much into the small details. For example when I manifested finding a car I wrote something like this:

I am driving my new van, I feel free and safe as I drive away from the city, I am heading into nature, the bed I made at the back allows me to sleep by the ocean to woke up to watch the sunset. This van brings lots of joy into my life as I am now able to grow my business doing more markets and explore new places. 

I keep the intentions to a maximum of five as I know later I will have to act to make the intention into reality. Now the universe knows where to help me because I have clearly expressed what I would like to have in my life but if I don’t do anything about it then not much will change. The Universe only knows where it can help but it won't do it all for me.

Before closing the notebook I write a gratitude list. There are always lots of things, people and opportunities that we could have been grateful for so all of them go into this list.

After I rest for a bit, I lied on the floor and I dream, I envision those things already in my life until I feel happy, positive and energised that I need to get up. Sometimes I later do a collage or do some embroidery, that keeps me in a meditative space where I can continue imagining.

Please share with us your comment about the experience of setting intentions. We would love to hear from you.